POST /shopify-stores.json

POST /shopify-stores.json

Body Required

  • accessToken string | null

    Access token

  • apiKey string | null

    Api key

  • archiveReason string | null Required

    Archive reason

    Values are subscription or other. Default value is other.

  • authenticationType string | null Required

    Authentication type

    Values are public or private. Default value is public.

  • backorderMetafield boolean | null

    Backorder metafield

  • carrierServiceId string | null

    Carrier service

  • channelId integer(int32) Required


  • closed boolean | null Required


    Default value is false.

  • connectedAt string(date-time) | null

    Connected at

  • delayOrderImport boolean | null Required

    Delay order import

    Default value is false.

  • enabled boolean | null Required


    Default value is true.

  • externalFulfillmentServices array[string] | null Required

    External fulfillment services

    Default value is [] (empty).

  • facebookUnpaidOrders boolean | null

    Facebook unpaid orders

  • fetchRecentProducts boolean | null

    Fetch recent products

  • hookdeckId string | null


  • When enabled, Onport will import any archived orders that are fulfilled in Shopify. This may be useful to sync orders fulfilled and archived outside of Onport.

  • importDraftOrders boolean | null Required

    Import draft orders

    Default value is false.

  • importMetaFields boolean | null Required

    Metafields for products and variants created in Shopify will be imported back into Onport.

    Default value is false.

  • importingProducts boolean Required

    Importing products

    Default value is false.

  • importingSales boolean Required

    Importing sales

    Default value is false.

  • Inventory feed location

  • inventoryFeedLocationType string | null Required

    Inventory feed location type

    Values are default or selected. Default value is default.

  • Inventory feed metafield

  • inventoryLocations string | null Required

    Inventory locations

    Values are default or multiple. Default value is default.

  • inventoryMigration boolean | null Required

    Inventory migration

    Default value is true.

  • lastSalesImport string(date-time) | null Required

    Last sales import

  • locationId string | null


  • locationIds array[string] | null

    If you only want to import orders from specific location IDs, enter the locations below. This should be the Shopify resource ID, not the location name.

  • name string | null


  • orderImportDelayMinutes integer(int32) | null Required

    Order import delay minutes

    Default value is 0.

  • orderMetafields boolean | null Required

    Order metafields

    Default value is false.

  • orderMetafieldsKey string | null

    Order metafields key

  • Order metafields value

  • overwriteScope boolean | null Required

    Overwrite scope

    Default value is true.

  • password string | null


  • productImport string | null Required

    Product import

    Values are automated or manual. Default value is automated.

  • Send fulfilment notifications to your Shopify store and your customers when items are marked as shipped in Onport. This will use the template settings within your Shopify Store.

    Default value is true.

  • setupComplete boolean Required

    Setup complete

    Default value is false.

  • shop string Required


  • showDays boolean | null Required

    Show days

    Default value is true.

  • sso boolean | null Required

    Allow staff members to log in to Onport from the App installed in the Shopify admin. When turned off, staff members will need to use their email and password to log into Onport.

    Default value is true.

  • throttle boolean | null Required


    Default value is true.

  • unpaidAllowList array[string] | null

    Some payment gateways may hold transactions in the authorized state in Shopify and not appear as fully paid. You can opt to import these orders by adding the gateway below (e.g. Klarna).


  • 200 application/json

    Successful response

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
    • accessToken string | null

      Access token

    • apiKey string | null

      Api key

    • archiveReason string | null Required

      Archive reason

      Values are subscription or other. Default value is other.

    • authenticationType string | null Required

      Authentication type

      Values are public or private. Default value is public.

    • backorderMetafield boolean | null

      Backorder metafield

    • carrierServiceId string | null

      Carrier service

    • channelId integer(int32) Required


    • closed boolean | null Required


      Default value is false.

    • connectedAt string(date-time) | null

      Connected at

    • createdAt string(date-time)

      Created at

    • delayOrderImport boolean | null Required

      Delay order import

      Default value is false.

    • enabled boolean | null Required


      Default value is true.

    • externalFulfillmentServices array[string] | null Required

      External fulfillment services

      Default value is [] (empty).

    • facebookUnpaidOrders boolean | null

      Facebook unpaid orders

    • fetchRecentProducts boolean | null

      Fetch recent products

    • hookdeckId string | null


    • id integer(int32)


    • When enabled, Onport will import any archived orders that are fulfilled in Shopify. This may be useful to sync orders fulfilled and archived outside of Onport.

    • importDraftOrders boolean | null Required

      Import draft orders

      Default value is false.

    • importMetaFields boolean | null Required

      Metafields for products and variants created in Shopify will be imported back into Onport.

      Default value is false.

    • importingProducts boolean Required

      Importing products

      Default value is false.

    • importingSales boolean Required

      Importing sales

      Default value is false.

    • Inventory feed location

    • inventoryFeedLocationType string | null Required

      Inventory feed location type

      Values are default or selected. Default value is default.

    • Inventory feed metafield

    • inventoryLocations string | null Required

      Inventory locations

      Values are default or multiple. Default value is default.

    • inventoryMigration boolean | null Required

      Inventory migration

      Default value is true.

    • lastSalesImport string(date-time) | null Required

      Last sales import

    • locationId string | null


    • locationIds array[string] | null

      If you only want to import orders from specific location IDs, enter the locations below. This should be the Shopify resource ID, not the location name.

    • name string | null


    • orderImportDelayMinutes integer(int32) | null Required

      Order import delay minutes

      Default value is 0.

    • orderMetafields boolean | null Required

      Order metafields

      Default value is false.

    • orderMetafieldsKey string | null

      Order metafields key

    • Order metafields value

    • overwriteScope boolean | null Required

      Overwrite scope

      Default value is true.

    • password string | null


    • productImport string | null Required

      Product import

      Values are automated or manual. Default value is automated.

    • Send fulfilment notifications to your Shopify store and your customers when items are marked as shipped in Onport. This will use the template settings within your Shopify Store.

      Default value is true.

    • setupComplete boolean Required

      Setup complete

      Default value is false.

    • shop string Required


    • showDays boolean | null Required

      Show days

      Default value is true.

    • sso boolean | null Required

      Allow staff members to log in to Onport from the App installed in the Shopify admin. When turned off, staff members will need to use their email and password to log into Onport.

      Default value is true.

    • throttle boolean | null Required


      Default value is true.

    • unpaidAllowList array[string] | null

      Some payment gateways may hold transactions in the authorized state in Shopify and not appear as fully paid. You can opt to import these orders by adding the gateway below (e.g. Klarna).

    • updatedAt string(date-time)

      Updated at

POST /shopify-stores.json
curl \
 -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{"accessToken":"string","apiKey":"string","archiveReason":"other","authenticationType":"public","backorderMetafield":true,"carrierServiceId":"string","channelId":42,"closed":false,"connectedAt":"2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00","delayOrderImport":false,"enabled":true,"externalFulfillmentServices":[],"facebookUnpaidOrders":true,"fetchRecentProducts":true,"hookdeckId":"string","importArchivedOrdersFulfilled":true,"importDraftOrders":false,"importMetaFields":false,"importingProducts":false,"importingSales":false,"inventoryFeedLocation":"string","inventoryFeedLocationType":"default","inventoryFeedMetafield":true,"inventoryLocations":"default","inventoryMigration":true,"lastSalesImport":"2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00","locationId":"string","locationIds":["string"],"name":"string","orderImportDelayMinutes":0,"orderMetafields":false,"orderMetafieldsKey":"string","orderMetafieldsValue":"string","overwriteScope":true,"password":"string","productImport":"automated","sendShipmentNotifications":true,"setupComplete":false,"shop":"string","showDays":true,"sso":true,"throttle":true,"unpaidAllowList":["string"]}'
Request example
  "accessToken": "string",
  "apiKey": "string",
  "archiveReason": "other",
  "authenticationType": "public",
  "backorderMetafield": true,
  "carrierServiceId": "string",
  "channelId": 42,
  "closed": false,
  "connectedAt": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "delayOrderImport": false,
  "enabled": true,
  "externalFulfillmentServices": [],
  "facebookUnpaidOrders": true,
  "fetchRecentProducts": true,
  "hookdeckId": "string",
  "importArchivedOrdersFulfilled": true,
  "importDraftOrders": false,
  "importMetaFields": false,
  "importingProducts": false,
  "importingSales": false,
  "inventoryFeedLocation": "string",
  "inventoryFeedLocationType": "default",
  "inventoryFeedMetafield": true,
  "inventoryLocations": "default",
  "inventoryMigration": true,
  "lastSalesImport": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "locationId": "string",
  "locationIds": [
  "name": "string",
  "orderImportDelayMinutes": 0,
  "orderMetafields": false,
  "orderMetafieldsKey": "string",
  "orderMetafieldsValue": "string",
  "overwriteScope": true,
  "password": "string",
  "productImport": "automated",
  "sendShipmentNotifications": true,
  "setupComplete": false,
  "shop": "string",
  "showDays": true,
  "sso": true,
  "throttle": true,
  "unpaidAllowList": [
Response examples (200)
  "accessToken": "string",
  "apiKey": "string",
  "archiveReason": "other",
  "authenticationType": "public",
  "backorderMetafield": true,
  "carrierServiceId": "string",
  "channelId": 42,
  "closed": false,
  "connectedAt": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "createdAt": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "delayOrderImport": false,
  "enabled": true,
  "externalFulfillmentServices": [],
  "facebookUnpaidOrders": true,
  "fetchRecentProducts": true,
  "hookdeckId": "string",
  "id": 42,
  "importArchivedOrdersFulfilled": true,
  "importDraftOrders": false,
  "importMetaFields": false,
  "importingProducts": false,
  "importingSales": false,
  "inventoryFeedLocation": "string",
  "inventoryFeedLocationType": "default",
  "inventoryFeedMetafield": true,
  "inventoryLocations": "default",
  "inventoryMigration": true,
  "lastSalesImport": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00",
  "locationId": "string",
  "locationIds": [
  "name": "string",
  "orderImportDelayMinutes": 0,
  "orderMetafields": false,
  "orderMetafieldsKey": "string",
  "orderMetafieldsValue": "string",
  "overwriteScope": true,
  "password": "string",
  "productImport": "automated",
  "sendShipmentNotifications": true,
  "setupComplete": false,
  "shop": "string",
  "showDays": true,
  "sso": true,
  "throttle": true,
  "unpaidAllowList": [
  "updatedAt": "2024-05-04T09:42:00+00:00"